AMRF is delighted to be partnering with Avenel Hats and working together to help raise awareness and much needed funds for melanoma research.
For fifty years Avenel Hats have supplied both the large and small retail stores throughout Australia with the latest in headwear. Their Headwear collection for each season is sourced from UK, Italy, USA and Asia, combined with their locally made Headwear, the collection is very comprehensive.
Avenel Hats offer a fantastic collection of golf, bowl and sporting hats that offer great protection from the harmful Australian sun and as part of its corporate policy wishes to make a significant philanthropic contribution to the cause of melanoma prevention.
Purchasing a hat with an AMRF swing tag will assist melanoma researchers around Australia to develop the next generation of treatment options and accelerate the development of a cure. Hats are available in all leading pharmacies.
Here are some of the styles available. Just look for the AMRF swing tag and you know you’ll be supporting AMRF with every purchase.
For further information about Avenel Hats visit www.avenelhats.com

Avenel Hats AMRF swing tag